
ALICE Thesis Award 202312 July 2023Congratulations to Rita who won an ALICE Thesis Award !

Charmonia photoproduction in Pb-Pb collisions01 December 2022J/Psi produced by record density of photons surrounding ultrarelativistic nuclei at LHC.

First Collisions Pb-Pb Run3 at LHC21 November 2022After a restart in July 2022, the LHC again delivered Pb collisions at the record energy of √s_NN= 5.36 TeV for a few hours on 18 November 2022.

Heavy Ion collisions at LHC : a new era28 September 2022The research program on Quark-Gluon Plasma is on the verge of considerably extending with the restart of lead-lead collisions at the highest energy (= 5,36 TeV)

First collisions at 13.6 TeV at LHC07 July 2022After a three and a half- years shutdown, the LHC is back online.

Installation of the MFT in the ALICE experiment15 June 2020In the first week of December, the Muon Forward Tracker (MFT), a brand new trajectograph that will extend the physics programme associated with the
Muon Spectrometer, was installed in the ALICE experiment (LHC, CERN).