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  • T. Abrahão et al., Reactor spectral rate and shape measurement in Double Chooz detectors, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 888, 012134, 2017

  • T. Abrahão et al., Novel event classification based on spectral analysis of scintillation waveforms in Double Chooz, arXiv:1710.04315 [hep-ex], 2017 

  • T. Abrahão et al.,  Cosmic-muon characterization and annual modulation measurement with Double Chooz detectors, JCAP, 1702, 2017 

  • T.J.C. Bezerra, The Double Chooz Experiment - June 2015 Results and Prospects to the Near Detector era, Proceedings, 17th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, p73-18, 2017

  • F. Suekane, T.J.C. Bezerra, Double Chooz and a History of Reactor θ13 Experiments,  Nuclear Physics B, Volume 908, 74–93, 2016, 

  • Y. Abe, et al., Muon capture on light isotopes in Double Chooz, Phys. Rev. C 93, 054608, 2016 

  • Y. Abe et al., _Measurement of θ13 in Double Chooz using neutron captures on hydrogen with novel background rejection techniques, _Journal of High Energy Phys, 2016:163, 2016.

  • F. Yermia, SoLid: Search for Oscillations with a Lithium-6 Detector at the SCK-CEN BR2 reactor, TAUP 2015, septembre 2015, Toirno, Italie

  • F. Yermia, Steriles: Short Baseline Neutrino Experiments with Reactors, NuPhys2015, december 2015. London, UK

  • F. Yermia on behalf of the DC collaboration, Recent Results from the Double Chooz experiment, talk and proceedings at Rencontres de Blois 2014

  • F. Yermia et al., SoLid: Search for Oscillation with Lithium6 Detector, ICHEP 2014 poster and proceedings.

  • F. Yermia et al. for the Nucifer collaboration, _The Nucifer experiment : antineutrino detection for reactor monitoring,  _GLOBAL 2009 Paris, Sept. 2009.

  • F. Yermia, Search for Oscillations with Lithium 6 Detector at BR2, prototype update and short perspectives, suivi du conseil scientifique de l’IN2P3, Paris, Fevrier 2014. Sur invitation.

  • F. Yermia, Status of the SoLid experiment, presentation a Les Reunions Plenieres du Le Groupement de Recherche (GDR) Neutrino, Orsay, 16-17 juin 2014

Last modification on 05 January 2018at09 h 30