For Girls in Science
25 high school girls from the Lycées Monge and Guist’hau enrolled in the L'Oréal Foundation's "For Girls in Science" program were welcomed on April 24 to the IMT Atlantique premises, at our initiative and in particular that of Sara Diglio and Julie Champion, research teachers at the laboratory and L'Oréal ambassadors.
The L'Oréal Foundation has developed a program called "For Girls and Science", designed to encourage high-school girls from the second year of secondary school onwards to take up scientific careers.
The high-school girls were welcomed by Catherine Hellio, Managing Director of IMT Atlantique, and were given enthusiastic presentations by female researchers on the research and teaching activities of the laboratory and our F&H Equality Committee. We were also fortunate to have a testimonial from a winner of the l'Oréal Prize, a former PhD student at Subatech.
The girls were able to exchange ideas informally with representatives of different categories (doctoral student, technician, administrator and researcher) during a "science dating" event. Subatech's major international research projects, such as KM3NeT and Xemis, were presented, as was the MERITE project of IMT Atlantique's DELMA department.
It was an enriching day for everyone.